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Is technology good or bad for us?

In recent months, I have seen a growing number of posts about how bad technology is for us. Technology is blamed for social isolation, disconnection, and corruption.  But I’ve also heard and seen how technology can be used for good — a means to connect, to share knowledge, to empower, even to save lives.

So which is it: Is technology good for us or bad for us?  Does technology make us less happy or more happy?  As Shakespeare once said, “there is nothing either good or badbut thinking makes it so.”

Technology is a tool, a means to an end–and we get to decide how that story ends.  My goal through this blog is to inspire a new way of thinking about technology, one that gives us new language with which to think about how we fuse technology into our lies.

Whether you are a busy professional who feels like you can’t escape the constant pings and interruptions of technology, a young adult overwhelmed by your digital footprint and in need of some strategically unplugging, or a minivan parent who fears you might have given birth to tech monsters rather than children– I have some good news for you!

First, you are not alone. And second, there are lots of really smart, creative and thoughtful people who have been generating some amazing ideas for how to balance productivity and well-being in the digital era.  In fact, there are so many amazing resources that I have decided to start a blog to bring you the latest and greatest field-tested ideas for bringing order to the digital forces in your life.

The stories, interview, and ideas I will share are guaranteed to stretch you, wow you, and hopefully inspire you on your journey towards happiness.  Thanks so much for joining me, and please help me spread the word by inviting colleagues, friends, and family to follow along too.

This article is from Amy Blankson’s blog, Happy Tech.

Amy BlanksonAmy Blankson is the only person to be named a Point of Light by two Presidents (President Bush and President Clinton), and she received a Presidential appointment to serve a five-year term on the Board of Directors of the Corporation for National Service.  In 2007, Amy co-founded GoodThink to bring the science of happiness to life for organizations and individuals. She is currently doing research in partnership with Google to determine how to make positive psychology strategies stick and create sustainable positive change. Amy is the author of the award-winning children’s book Ripple’s Effect and The Future of Happiness to be released Spring 2017.

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