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Michelle Poler

“When our large women’s professional organization had to switch to a virtual platform for our 10 year anniversary event we were extremely nervous. Keeping energies high, keeping attendees engaged, and having your guests leave with a positive outlook like they would at an in-person event was at the top of our minds. We were recommended to Michelle Poler and instantly knew, after watching a few of her videos about transitioning to virtual, that she was the perfect fit for our audience. She brought so much enthusiasm and energy to our event, shared a message that was real and a woman at any age could identify with, and was so, so invested in the experience of our guests. Working with Michelle was a dream, especially during a time when there is so much uncertainty and unknown. People are nervous, and don’t know what life holds for them, but in that 1.5 hour program we saw nothing but smiles, happiness, inspiration and empowerment. Thank you Michelle for bringing us together and giving us all an experience we can hold onto forever.” –Rachael Romig, Executive Director of Events & Special Programs, Women2Women, Greater Reading Chamber Alliance